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Showing posts from September, 2017

Artist Statement

I am fascinated with fooling ones eye. The art I produce deals with photo-manipulation also known as "manips". The manips mainly deal with putting together two people that have not necessarily been in the same time and place, though it would have appeared as if they were. I started to do photo-manipulation at a young age, when I knew I would pretty much never meet certain actors and actresses that I would have wanted to, along with some bands. Making my work consists of people with celebrities or musicians. There is a sense of enjoyment of trying to blend two images together. It comes down to having to match the images as if they are one. This means you must match the lighting, texture and the clarity of the image, thus having to work through many different techniques to achieve the "fool ones eye" effect. It has been a learning process for sure, from using paint and different programs in between till Photoshop came into the picture. I try to use different platf