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Showing posts from November, 2017

M5 Website Part One

I decided on doing a website because it is something I am familiar with. I do know somethings about coding, but that is for a different website, so I went with some template ideas from WIX. I am going between two different templates and I am going to clear them out and put my designs and images within it, change the color schemes. The website is going to aim towards more of a profolio stand point and I want it to reflect me and what I bring to the table with my photo manipulations. Here are the two templates I am debating on editing: = Here are som

M4 Design Competition Part 2

I had taken my final piece around to show my friends and coworkers, which not to toot my own horn but all said that is was really amazing work. They enjoyed the colors and the shadows I applied to the art. They seemed to go between either the devil or krampas, which I can see their viewpoint on how it does sorta look like krampas. This is not a bad thing for me because in a sense the devil and him are in the same categorization.  I wanted it to have a paint like feature to my design. I feel as though my colors really popped like I wanted, the purple background gives the "dark" features some contrast. Click the image to enlarge