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Showing posts from March, 2018

Modern Collage Artist 2nd Paper

John Stezaker  Stezaker in his marriage series, focuses on the concept of portraiture, both as art historical genre and public identity. Using publicity shots of classic film stars, Stezaker splices and overlaps famous faces, creating hybrid 'icons' that dissociate the familiar to create sensations of the uncanny. I look at his work as the earlier forms of photo-manipulations, one reason why I relate to it. Stezaker's style is very simple when you first look at it, though when you look deeper on how he matched the male and female features are stunning. It is also creepy on how alike certain opposite gender actors and actresses actually look alike. He does mainly work with portraits, but not just their faces, he also utilizes their gestures of hand placement for insistence. The one image that sticks out to me, is the one half black and white and sephia toned. Normally when I am creating my photo-manipulations, I like to make them all one color. This way it

Third Collage Assignment "3D"

(Click to enlarge) (These three images were sections of the full image, to showcase the 3D aspect of the assignment) At first, when I was thinking of a 3D collage, I was a tad stumped at the thought and did not really know how I would go about it. However, as I thought out it and was cleaning my room, I came across little things that I have collected like the pretty masks with feathers and some bows that were made for me from friends. The black with a touch of pink faux flowers were given to me from my mother on my birthday.  They were all just separate items until I started to place them around a fabric wreath that I had bought at a craft sale and just started to play around with the placement of the masks and bows. The fabric wreath already had the pink flowers on it, so I wanted to build around that. Yes the 3D collage is placed on the wall because I believe it looks interesting like it is coming from out of the wall. I am also pleased that I put these random obje