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Showing posts from December, 2017

M6 Website Part 3

Here are some screen caps of how my website for Bowdacious Designs is coming along. I tend to be picky on page layout and as I have stated before I wanted to keep it clean and simple. I have two clickable links being Instagram and Facebook and my email as contact information. I am still working on what background I would like to have and still playing around with the placement of where in face to place my logo. The one section under the contact links is going to be a small bio about myself and why I create photo-manipulations aka manips. I love the idea of having some of my favorite pieces displayed right on the page and I may add one more link so I can upload the rest of the manips I have done. As I keep working on it I will balance the page out more and possibly put y logo on the upper right hand side of the page and keep my photo on the left hand. I am tending to lead towards my first font choice for Bowdacious Designs as it acts as a sister to my logo.

M5 Website Part Two

I have been playing around with the different templates for my website and I want to stick to something clean and simple. So I have put together some fonts and images I am going to incorporate within the layout. What I have noticed however is that they have multiple links just to contact someone. So I will have a Home Link, but the other information like contact information will be located on the page, and possibly with a send a message box as well. As for people to take a look at my work, since I have been posting my manips within my Facebook and Instagram that will be workable links that you will be able to click on and open in a new tab which I will provide. I want to have a small bio about myself and what I do, similar to an artiest statement I suppose. The color schemes will be pink and will feature bow accents hence the name Bowdacious Designs. These are just some ideas I have been playing around with. I have also been working on things on the actual website. Link to Instagra