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Showing posts from October, 2018

Image & Text in Visual Arts Second Assignment

I am super pleased with this logo. Again starting from my main base of the mannequin head and using her in a different way, I wanted to create a graphic vector image. A logo, but not a simple black and white that you see all the time. This was actually very difficult for me because I have never done anything like this before. Well I have tried but they always came out wrong and not what I really envisioned. I even posted this on my Instagram because I was so pleased with it.  I wanted to just have a simple white background because I was thinking of the accent color font I wanted to use example for the photo-manipulations. I played with the curves of the base mannequin to get rid of the texture and detail of the original image, so it was just white. Although you could not just simply erase it out because I wanted to keep some of the texture from the neck and hair. I applied a cutout filter since it seems to be my favorite, followed by a brush tool, opacity low and a pink glow col

Mixed Media Self Portrait Second Assignment

For my second assignment, I wanted to use the same theme of the mannequin head, which I have named bowdacious you could say that she is the mascot for my brand sorta speak. Though I label this as a self portrait.  My first idea was to create a two headed figure, either with two mannequin heads or one mannequin and my own head, though I was not able to get the positioning right. So I may try that on the third assignment. But I just took random pics holding the head in different ways, positioning my own head until I captured this photo and I just liked it so much over the other ones that were taken. You will see a familiar face that I have created, I simply selected just the face from my original photo from the first assignment and placed in on this version. I changed the wig but kept the bow.  I wanted it to be clean cut and simple. So I just painted the background black, I added the same features of the mannequin, as in light, texture to my own to give it a sense of being apart