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Mixed Media Self Portrait Second Assignment

For my second assignment, I wanted to use the same theme of the mannequin head, which I have named bowdacious you could say that she is the mascot for my brand sorta speak. Though I label this as a self portrait. 
My first idea was to create a two headed figure, either with two mannequin heads or one mannequin and my own head, though I was not able to get the positioning right. So I may try that on the third assignment. But I just took random pics holding the head in different ways, positioning my own head until I captured this photo and I just liked it so much over the other ones that were taken.
You will see a familiar face that I have created, I simply selected just the face from my original photo from the first assignment and placed in on this version. I changed the wig but kept the bow. 
I wanted it to be clean cut and simple. So I just painted the background black, I added the same features of the mannequin, as in light, texture to my own to give it a sense of being apart of the same family, as in looking like one image instead of two put together.

"Bowdacious is my other half. My photo-manipulations are based from Bowdacious. A simple mannequin head with a blank canvas is how I view all of my images that I end up creating. She is my alter ego, she is me and I am her."-Renee Andrews

                                 Original Photo                                                                                                                                                                  Self Portrait
