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The Hudson Valley Inn Logos & Business Card


When thinking about the design concepts for The Hudson Valley in, I did take into consideration for the scenery it provided for city dwellers. Although I still wanted to give it a classy cozy type feel also. I kept a color scheme of black and red, I figured a dark red would be a nice contrast to the black but also pleasing to the eye and also easy to read.

I know a typical business card is horizontal, but when putting everything together, I felt as though my designs looked better in the a vertical manor. Plus I believe it gives it more of a personal touch. I made sure to have the back of the business card readable and neat, all a business card needs is basic information, and in this case information of the restaurant manager. I also made it a little authentic by having Maines actually zip code. I also added a personal touch and added a filter to the card as a hold, like a card stock with some light ridges.

The Hudson Valley Inn Logos: The reason that there is three restaurant logos, is because if you are doing this for a customer, you want to give them options to choose from.

The Hudson Valley Inn Business Card:

Front of Business Card                                              Back of Business Card
